Messengers of Peace Day of Service

My name is Nathan Fox.  I am a Life Scout in Troop 355 from La Mesa, California.  My Jamboree troop is  Troop 3442 from the San Diego Imperial Council.  On July 27th we performed our Day of Service at Twin Falls State Park in West Virginia.

My troop and I took a ninety minute bus ride to the park.  We then took tools up the trail.  These tools included axes, pickaxes, rakes, shovels and hedge cutters.  Our first task was to walk a mile and a half up a trail to refurbish and make the trail longer.  We used shovels and pick axes to dig up the dirt, we also used the hedge cutters and axes to cut roots from the many trees in the area.  Finally we used the rakes to smooth out the trail and pound down the dirt.  As a troop we all worked hard and had lots of fun working together and serving the state cheerfully.  After our six hours of arduous labor, we went down the trail we had built together carrying all of the tools we took up, three coolers, and the tools that had been left by troops that had previously worked there.

On our bus ride back we stopped at Walmart to buy a watermelon and Mountain Dew for dinner that night.  The rest of that day we stayed in camp and traded patches. Which, by the way, patch trading is somewhat a middle-eastern bazaar of Jamboree.


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